자주 묻는 질문(FAQ)

Founded in 2000, COVNA is headquartered in Dongguan, Guangdong, China. 3 production bases and more than 100 workers. For more details please check 여기.
Where is your headquarter?

Yes. We are always searching for global distributors who can be our partners to expand the local markets, and we also provide market protection, marketing and technical support for our distributors. If you are involved in the valve industry, or in relative industries which has rich customer base who will need valves, welcome to contact us and talk more details about the distributorship.
Can I be your distributor?

We have around 20 engineers from R&D, Designing, Production and QC department.
How many engineers do you have?

We have attended and visited ThaiWater 2015/2017/2018/2019, AsiaWater 2018, Water Philippines 2019, SIWW 2018, ECWATECH 2018, PCT Shanghai 2015/2016, and many industrial Exhibitions in China.
Which overseas exhibitions have you attended?

우리는 일반적으로 귀하의 자세한 문의 및 요구 사항을 얻은 후 12시간 이내에 인용합니다.

당신이 가격을 얻기 위하여 아주 긴급한 경우에, 우리가 당신 조회 우선권을 주시할 것이다 그래야 저희를 부르거나 저희를 이메일을 보내십시오

When can I get the quotation?

예, 숙련된 영업 팀과 엔지니어는 업계를 깊이 알고 있습니다. 그리고 우리는 그들의 경험이 귀하의 프로젝트에 적합한 제품을 선택하고 귀하의 프로젝트가 잘 진행되는 데 도움이 될 수 있다고 믿습니다. 당신에게서 어떤 조회든지 환영하십시오!

Could you help to confirm the product by our needs?

We are glad to help you to confirm the product details to ensure you order the right one. If you have any doubts about the valve type and its application, please feel free to send us an email at inquiry@covna-china.com, we will reply to you soonest within 12 hours.
How do I make sure I order the right size?

COVNA adheres to strict quality control procedures that begin with product design and carry through to the end of the production process using state-of-the-art quality control equipment to make sure the quality of each valves appearance and pressure, sealing test are good.
What are your quality control procedures?

Yes, COVNA possesses various qualifications, including ISO9001:2005, RoHS, CE, FDA, SGS, and Explosion-proof Electrical Apparatus.
Do you have any certificates of the valves?

You can visit our factory at any time, or apply for third-party factory audit. And during the COVID-19 special period, we could provide an online video chat for you to visit our factory.
How can we do factory audit or order inspection?

우리는 T/T, PayPal, 웨스턴 유니온 및 신용 카드를 받아들입니다. 한편, 우리는 10,000 USD 미만의 주문 금액에 대해 생산 전에 100% 지불을 수락합니다. 생산 전 50% 보증금 및 10,000 USD 이상의 주문 금액에 대한 선적 전 잔액.

What is your payment term?

예. 모든 일반 제품은 재고가 있습니다. 일반 제품의 빠른 배송 시간은 1-3일입니다.

그리고 주문을 받아서 만들어진 제품을 위해 약 7 15 일은 입니다.

Do you have stock? And how about the customized products?

We have cooperated shipping agent and could help to arrange the shipment by sea or air or railway which help customers to reduce the trouble.
How do you ship the goods?

걱정하지 마세요. 온라인 기술 지원을 제공합니다. 당사의 영업은 문제의 원인을 단계별로 확인하는 데 도움이 될 것입니다. 그러면 엔지니어가 문제를 해결하는 데 도움을 줄 것입니다.

What to do if the product breaks down in use?

Yes, we will attach the product manual when the product is shipped, so that you can use the product better.
Do you provide manual sheets?